
Our vision is to support, strengthen and nurture one another in love, as the body of Christ, and to reach out to others with that same love in order for everyone to know Christ and mature in the faith.


Our mission is to be a family that shares God’s love in a variety of ways…from fellowship, worship and studying Scripture to acts of service as well as being enthusiastically involved in our community and beyond!

Statement of Beliefs


There is only One God! Always has been—always will be. The One God is relational in His being which helps explain why he created people and desires a relationship with us. God has revealed himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit (three), but yet He only claims to be One. This is commonly called the Trinity.

The Bible

The Books of the Old Testament and the New Testament are inspired by God and are fully reliable and serve as our instruction manual for life and we should do our best to follow the precepts revealed in them.


God created the world out of nothing. He is not the creation, but He is present everywhere in creation.


God created people in His own image (the ability to communicate, reason, make decisions, love), but the first humans rebelled against God (that’s called Sin) and this act welcomed evil and death into the world and now all people are disconnected from God and deeply flawed and in need of rescue and renovation.


Good News! Jesus came to rescue us! Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit in regards to his Human Nature, was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a perfect life, performed many miracles and died on a cross. Jesus died in our place, taking the punishment for our wrongdoing and rebellion. Because he is divine as well as human, He was resurrected physically the Sunday morning following his death. He has returned to Heaven and is now our advocate before God the Father.

The Holy Spirit

Even though Jesus left, he said he would send someone to be with us. The Holy Spirit has been sent to give new life to us, to transform us, and to empower us to do God’s work on earth. He is our counselor, comforter and teacher and He convicts us of sin and confirms that we are the Children of God. The Holy Spirit transforms us so that we reflect the character of Jesus and He empowers us with gifts to serve the church and the world.


Humans are saved because of the work of Jesus on the cross. We get credit for his perfect life and for him taking our punishment on the cross. Because of what Jesus did, we can be restored to a relationship with God and live forever with him. This is a gift (Grace) of God. No one deserves it! No one can earn it! But we do need to turn away from evil, ask God’s forgiveness for the wrong that we have done, and place our trust in what He has done.


After we repent (turn away from evil and turn toward God) and place our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and what he has done for us, we should be baptized publicly by immersion in water . . . in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

There is another baptism in the Bible. The Lord Jesus Christ baptizes those who follow him with the Holy Spirit. This is called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This baptism empowers the believer to serve the Lord and provides the believer with gifts to serve the Body of Christ.


Each month, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper (communion, Eucharist). Before we eat and drink, we should examine ourselves and ask for forgiveness for anything that offends the Lord. The elements of communion (cup and bread) are symbols of Christ’s body and blood and are useful in building up our faith in the Lord Jesus. The Communion Celebration should be treated reverently.


When those who have placed their faith in Jesus die, their souls immediately enter into the presence of God, enjoying conscious fellowship with Him, there to await the resurrection, when they will receive a new physical body.

Christ’s Return

Jesus Christ will return to transform all creation into what it was meant to be. He will judge both the living and the dead and will separate both the redeemed and the lost, assigning those who rejected Him to eternal punishment and those who follow Him to eternal life.